Business details

Sorrel Pindar, Resilience & Well-Being

07966 071661
Email Address
Business Address
44 Harpur Street, Bedford, MK40 2QT


I help overworked professionals who are battling with their mental health attain calm and vitality by helping them connect with their inner well-being.

As a result of coaching, my clients:

  • Stop worrying about their feelings
  • Recognise that they are the creator of their own experience and therefore not at the mercy of their circumstances
  • Are be able to ‘step into’ difficult feelings allowing those feelings to pass more quickly
  • Have a greater sense of mastery as they become able to do things and feel things they had been afraid of before – ie they are no longer ruled by their own avoidance
  • Find themselves in the driver’s seat of their lives, make better decisions and get the results they are looking for

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