About Us
Worktree is a tree of living knowledge about work.
We are a community of volunteers (the trunk) helping young people find out what work is really like by answering their questions honestly. We attend sessions in schools organised by a small team of Worktree staff, governed by trustees from different branches of employment.
Our answers are based on our own experiences of growing up and going to schools (the roots), experiencing different employers (the branches) and different jobs (the leaves).
Career Snaphot
Career WorkOut introduces young people aged 11-18 to work guests from diverse backgrounds in a series of brief encounters.
This helps to achieve the ‘encounters with employers and employees’ which all secondary schools are expected to deliver (Gatsby benchmark 5 in UK Government Careers Strategy).
The aim is to develop young people’s career awareness, aspirations and employability skills. We want volunteer workers simply to be a guest and answer questions honestly.
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