£140 / Year
£14 per month or save £28 with a one-off £140 annual payment
Virtual Events
Face to face events
LinkedIn private group membership
Signal private group membership
WhatsApp private group membership
Website directory listing
Name badge for events
Option to bring marketing banner
£200 / Year
£20 per month or save £40 with a one-off £200 annual payment
Everything in ‘Bronze’
Sponsorship of a virtual event
5 minute talk at virtual event
Enhanced directory entry
Post on the LinkedIn group
200 word biography in directory
Monthly LinkedIn post
£500 / Year
£47 per month or save £64 with a one-off £500 annual payment
Everything in ‘Bronze’ and 'Silver'
Dual membership
Training & development community
Exclusive monthly meet up
Knowledge Hub access
Free Networking Guide by Tim Lee
Monthly industry expert training
1 to 1 video interview by TIm Lee
Private LinkedIn Gold group