New Year’s resolutions!


With many people making new year resolutions, now is the time to support your workforce to improve their health and wellbeing!

The Healthy Workplace Standards offer an effective framework for you to follow and your efforts can lead to an award! What’s more, the service is free to all workplaces in Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes.

Workplace testimonial January 2023:

‘Clearview Intelligence have found the introduction of the Healthy Workplace Standards a breath of fresh air. It is a place where our organisation can showcase the work we are doing to improve our staff’s health and wellbeing, as well as provide us with the support and opportunity to continuously improve our internal health, wellbeing and safety practices. The process itself to upload evidence in order to gain awards is simple and effortless, and the feedback provided by the panel for each standard is extremely helpful and supportive. Thank you to everyone involved in the Public Health Workplace Health Team in the development and delivery of the Healthy Workplace Standards!’


Browse the Healthy Workplace Standards website and register your commitment to improving productivity, staff retention, reduced recruitment costs and sickness rates now!


Free health and wellbeing services are also available to help workplaces support improvements in employee health and wellbeing. Don’t miss out! For details take a look at the workplace service offer brochure.


For free resources, training opportunities and more services  please visit the Public Health Workplace Health webpages.


Sarah James

Public Health Principal (Workplace Health and Worklessness)

07717 138529

Milton Keynes City Council  l Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East  l  Milton Keynes  l  MK9 3EJ

Public Health – A shared service across Milton Keynes, Central Bedfordshire and Bedford Borough


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